I am oh so thankful
for Lisa's laughs
walks with Michael and sunny afternoons
for valentines day flowers
for Carrie's Mexican blanket dance
for fun times at the Red Rooster and David's nordic beard
for sunrises before morning prayer
for face masks that look questionable

for the pup we got to watch for a few days
for warm coffee
for the infectious laughter of these three
for Michael's mighty beard

for two husbands
for Mikey and his Cosby sweaters
for these lovely new dishes
for valentines day dates and Jane Austen's stories
for the excitement of getting a crafty card from a dear friend that is so very far away
for snowpocalypse 2013
for my new housemate, Mariah and her love for all things Harry Potter
for warms socks and warm sunlight on chilly days
for Wesley's ability to always lose at Nertz
and for my ability to always win Nertz.
A few more things that I was not able to snap pictures of from the past few weeks:
-a trip to the Trapp's that always leaves me feeling blessed with a warm home, lots of laughs, a full belly, and the best in-laws a girl could ask for.
-and a visit from my best friend of seventeen years, Caitie. We call each other Shmoopy. Get over it.
------------------------------Products to mention:
face masks: Mariah bought those face masks from a store called Lush. I tried the questionable looking, but ever so smoothing Chocolate mask. I almost ate my upper lip it smelled so fantastic. Apparently, if you go to one of their stores, they will offer a free facial or foot or neck massage. Yes please.
beard conditioner: I bought Michael the Beard Conditioner for Valentines Day. It's from Wild Rose Etsy Shop, and is Michael's new best friend. If you have a man with a burly beard in your life, I suggest buying the Tundra Beard Conditioner Oil. It smells so great that you'll want to live in his beard. Oh yeah, it works too.
dishware: Shmoopy brought me those lovely new plates and bowls from Anthropologie. They have a lot of funky, pretty and ecclectic dishware. She also bought Michael and I mugs with our initials on them. Husband said, "M for Michael, or W for Winston. You decide."
card: That super cute Valentine's Day card that I received was from one of my best friends, Rachel. She is the most crafty person I know, and has a shop that you can browse and purchase said crafty items. Check it out: Peachy Press
two husbands: not a real thing. But that picture was taken at McGurk's Irish pub on our Valentines Date. We ate authentic Fish&Chips and a Lamb Stew. I could eat those things for the rest of my life, as long as cheese was included somewhere in there. This pub is so great, they even have live Irish music at night and a beautiful garden outside!
That is all. Happy Saturday!